Bun Boys BBQ Pork Bowl

BBQ Pork Bun | Bun Boys Food Truck | $10

[twitter]If you work in downtown Calgary you have an embarrassment of riches when it comes to food options. Restaurants, carts, and food trucks abound on every corner. It’s one of the things about the commute in Calgary, with so many people heading downtown everyday, economics say that’s where the riches are.

So, if you work outside downtown the food truck finds are rare. So today, when the Bun Boys parked outside my Centre St studios at XL 103, I beamed.

Bun Boys Food Truck

A Vietnamese Bun (pronounced boon) is a bowl of meat and veggies and noodles. So I ordered up a BBQ Pork Bun and splashed it with fish sauce.

Soft, delicate rice noodles, fresh and crisp lettuce, cucumber, sprouts and carrots, a perfect narrow spring roll and a pile of perfectly bbq’d pork were all arranged on my bowl sprinkled with some peanuts.

I dove in.

It was so perfect. Donavan and John are the boys on the Bun Boys food truck. They come from traditional Vietnamese family where food preparation was important. They bring that pride (and HUGE smile) with them to their business and it shows.

Great guys, great food, and, for a day, I felt like I worked downtown.


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