nenshi graffiti

[twitter]I first met Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi on Twitter, naturally.

I had just moved to Calgary and was looking for people to connect with digitally. He was recommended as a smart person to follow, so I did.

Nenshi elected Mayor October 2010A few months later, I would meet him again. He was now Mayoral candidate Naheed Nenshi, and he introduced himself to me at Inglewood’s SunFest in August 2010. We were there to enter a blueberry pie eating contest. We chatted briefly on the sidewalk.

Again we would trade tweets and on election night in October 2010, I watched the results pour in at a pub before bolting around the city to find the party with the Mayor-elect.

I’ve always been politically interested, never politically active. I’ve spent days watching leadership battles for national and provincial parties, but being in the basement of that Victoria Park building on election night was the first time I had witnessed that kind of moment live. It was pretty special.

Over the years, my position as radio host would lead to many phone chats and photo ops with the Mayor. He’d drop Ke$ha lyrics in, chat American Idol, and always share a passion for the city we all call home.

I’d see him at the radio station for interviews.

buzz bishop and nenshi

I’d see him at parades.

Straight Not Narrow Nenshi with Buzz Bishop

I’d see him at public events where he’d pose for pictures with my kids.

buzz bishop nenshi

I’d see him at his 40th birthday party.

nenshi and jennifer

I’d see him at charity fundraisers.

buzz bishop and naheed nenshi

Every time I see him I am greeted with a warm hug, asked about my family, and given a smile that shows he truly cares.

I am very proud to live in a city with a man like Naheed Nenshi as leader. I may not always see eye-to-eye with him on policy, but I can always trust he has the greater good in mind.

You really do never know who you might meet on Twitter, do you?

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