Nose Hill Park | Calgary | June 6, 2014

[twitter]There are a number of blogs I follow to discover new hikes, trails, and places to explore in and around Calgary. Family Adventures In The Canadian Rockies, Big Grey Rocks, Hiking With Barry, and Hike Bike Travel constantly expose new secrets for me to uncover.

Hike Bike Travel shared a post this week about the world of wonder you can have exploring Nose Hill Park in Calgary.

So, with a couple of spare hours in the morning, an article about taking a walk as the way to have a digital detox fresh in my mind, I escaped to Nose Hill Park in search of the lake.

I parked on the west side of the park, just north of the Calgary Winter Club off 14th St NW. I hiked up to the top of the park and went off to do a loop of a heavily wooded area.

While Nose Hill Park maps show bold trails crossing the park like rich veins, there are many capillary trails branching off. They’ve been worn by runners, hikers, and riders. The entire park is fair game for wandering, and by taking one of these subsidiary branches into the central forest, I found it – the lake.

Nose Hill Park Map

7 dogs were chasing each other through the shallow pond that is actually an intermittent lake. Come later in the year and it likely won’t be here, but show up in the spring during the rains and run-off and you’ve got a wonderful hill top lake for your animals to run in or for you to just ponder beside.

It was a wonderful escape and I made a promise to get a proper bike rack for my car so I can bring Zacharie back here for much more exploring, riding, geocaching, and a chance to relax by this wonderful mysterious lake in the heart of Nose Hill Park.


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