Spring Break At Heritage Park: Cars Of The Big And Small Screen

[twitter]You wouldn’t know it from the icy weather and snow covered ground, but spring break has arrived in Calgary. It’s not the best weather to kick the kids into the backyard for entertaining, so searching for indoor activities will be on the minds of many.

That’s what I was thinking about this weekend as I took the boys to Cars Of The Big And Small Screen at Heritage Park.

10 instantly recognizable classic cars from tv and the movies are on display right now. The Flintstone’s Car, Bullit‘s Mustang GT 390, James Bond‘s Aston Martin Vanish, and The Munster‘s Dragula, to name a few.

First off, it’s affordable. $10 for adults, $5 for kids 3-6. Next up, it’s all indoors. Thirdly, there’s lots to do spread out over a huge area to explore in Gasoline Alley at Heritage Park.

While I was excited to see these cars of my youth up close, the boys were far too young to appreciate them, and immediately dove in to the LEGO table.

Boys Playing LEGO

No problem, it gave me a chance to hop into one of the many costumes they have to go along with the classic cars and get my Marty McFly on next to a Back To The Future Delorean.

Buzz Bishop And A Delorean

10 cars are on display, 3 from Hollywood, the rest from around Alberta. All except the Ferrari California Spyder from Ferris Buehler’s Day Off are restored classics and not the original film vehicle.

Ferris Buehler's Ferrari

Still, you’d be hard pressed to not say that is The General Lee

The General Lee - Buzz Bishop

or Magnum PI‘s Ferrari 308 GTS,

2014-03-22 13.27.10 HDR

or Herbie The Love Bug.

Herbie, The Love Bug - Buzz Bishop

Eventually the boys came in to wander the car display and voted for their favorite. Everyone is given a chip when they come in, to drop next to the one they love most. I picked Herbie, Zacharie chose the Delorean

Zacharie and a Delorean

While Charlie fancied himself a fan of the Starsky and Hutch Gran Torino.

Starsky and Hutch Gran Torino

As with each themed activity at Heritage Park’s Gasoline Alley, the entire facility is divided up into stations in what they are calling a Race Around The World. You stop in and work on movie storyboards, play a match game with a variety of movie cars, handle remote control cars, and work on crafts and coloring.

You can even make your own stop motion movies with a camera and computer set up with a virtual Cars set for kids to play with.

Stop Motion Movie Setup

We didn’t get ours quite right, but the bug is there to go and dig up some apps where we can make our own stop motion animation with our own cars, figurines, and LEGO characters at home.

The Cars of the Big and Small Screen exhibit is on through spring break at Heritage Park and until April 21. Perfect for spring and Easter breaks to spend a great half day.

Classic Cars Of The Big And Small Screen at Heritage Park

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