Picture of moon through telescope and iPhone

You can get all sorts of attachments for your iPhone lens.

There’s Photojojo, LensBaby, Kogeto, and others.

Lisa Bettany has had a great rig attached to her iPhone that she took around the world to demonstrate the power of her Camera+ app.

But what about attaching a telescope to the lens of your iPhone?

My son and I went down to our local Astronomy Club’s viewing session and after a couple of peeks at Venus and the Moon, I decided to simply hold the tiny lens of my iPhone up to the viewfinder. It’s the same concept all the pocket lens attachments work with, except this was a beastly telescope attached to my iPhone.

Starred Night in Calgary Starred Night in Calgary Starred Night in Calgary Picture of moon through telescope and iPhone

While I did it old school holding my iPhone up to the lens, there is an Astroclip in development to attach your iPhone to a telescope – no more squinting to see all the brilliance of space.

Afterwords, bring the images into Lightroom to touch them up and make them pop. There’s a collection of free Lightroom presets at Sleeklens you can add to your collection and once you get better at photography, adding a lighting kit from That Sweet Gift will really make your images pop.

What’s the coolest picture you’ve ever taken with your iPhone?

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  1. terry March 31, 2012 at 9:50 pm

    Really awesome pic of the moon!

  2. Edierley April 2, 2012 at 5:02 am

    Oh! I did the same thing yesterday with Camera+ and a telescope, coincidence 🙂 http://goo.gl/EYnTK . Bishop’s is much better.

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