[twitter]The friendly Dragon has seen cancer come back. W Brett Wilson revealed the news on Twitter and Facebook this week, and he’s determined to kick it to the curb once again.

Wilson’s previous bout with prostate cancer led to the creation of the Southern Alberta Institute of Urology that bears his name. Now, on the eve of Movember, a month set aside to grow creepy mo’s in the hopes it leads you to get a prostate check, take your mental health seriously, and just, yknow, look after yourself, Wilson is heading back in.

From his kind and supportive demeanour on Dragon’s Den, to his commitment to corporate philanthropy, the only thing that matches the size of W. Brett Wilson‘s heart is the outlandishness of his wardrobe.

If we did a Canadian version of Weird Al‘s song Tacky, Wilson would have to be the lead star of the video. The benevolent billionaire is easy to spot in a crowd – just look for his shirt.

So, as he heads back to #KickingCancersAss, let’s celebrate 11 times he was #KickingFashionsAss.

Get well soon, Brett. We need to see you in more of shirts like these, and less in hospital gown green.

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