The Raygun Gothic Rocketship is visiting Calgary this week as a part of Beakerhead. It is a fantastically retro-futuristic space vehicle that will have your mind time traveling from the past to the future and back again. The climb up the precarious ladder to the ground floor of this 40 foot beauty is enough to give you vertigo.
Browsing Category Geek
Star Wars Cast Rumors: Isaiah Mustafa As Lando Calrissian?
Some Star Wars casting rumors are starting to float around. With one tweet, Isaiah Mustafa might just turn Lando Calrissian into the Old Spice Guy.
The Coolest Pen You’ve Ever Seen
Need the conference schedule? It’s in your pen. Huh? Check out this, the coolest pen I’ve ever seen.
Astronaut Chris Hadfield To Be 2013 Calgary Stampede Parade Marshall
[twitter]He said yes! In search of a parade marshall for the 2013 Calgary Stampede, the Stampede Committee started pitching Chris Hadfield via Twitter yesterday and YouTube today. .@calgarystampede Calgary in July sounds lovely! Anything worth…
Spreading Myself Too Thin
[twitter]I am my own worst critic. Before publishing anything, I will write draft after draft after draft. Rarely does something get written in one sitting and then put out. I will stir topic ideas around…
Star Wars Identities At The Telus World Of Science in Edmonton
[twitter]Star Wars Identities Until April 1, 2013 at Telus World Of Science, Edmonton A traveling exhibit of Star Wars art, costumes, and movie memorabilia would have been enough to bring out the crowds. Toss in…
First Tuesday Mini Build At The Chinook Mall Lego Store
[twitter]Lego Store – Chinook Mall 6455 Macleod Trail SW (403) 252-5346 The Lego Store is to children what the Apple Store is to dads. Check that, kids and dads alike love them both. Calgary is…
The Coolest Picture I’ve Ever Taken With My iPhone
The coolest picture I’ve ever taken with my iPhone was one of the moon. Seriously. Check this out!
How I Make Money Blogging
[twitter]For me, blogging is my book. It’s not the thing that makes money, but it’s the thing that helps me to make money. Any author will tell you that having a book doesn’t make them…
Indochino Suits Up In Calgary
[twitter]Pop-up stores are the food trucks of fashion. It’s a trendy, time-limited opportunity to check out the wares of a traveling salesman. In the food truck world, customers are chasing gourmet on wheels. In fashion,…
Why I Blocked You On Twitter
If you’re reading this, it may be because I have blocked your alias on Twitter. Twitter blocking is a tool I use to help me manage my stream. Twitter is a game of follow the…
Santa’s Carbon Footprint Infographic Is Awesome
via Ethical Ocean – eco friendly products, fair trade and vegan shopping. BuzzDad. Broadcaster. Writer. Three time Guinness World Record Holder. I run the world for Team Diabetes.
Me And My 11 Blogs
[twitter] Hi, my name is Buzz and I like to blog and tweet. As it stands now I have 8 blogs of my own and I contribute to 3 others. I also have at least…
2006 Gadget Gift Guide
I was going through the Internet Archive (proof the web never forgets) and looking at old designs I’ve had for my websites over the years. I stopped on an article I published 5 years ago….
Famous Last Tweets
[twitter]Mona Simpson‘s eulogy for her brother, Steve Jobs, made headlines around the world when she revealed his final words. Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow. Those were the final syllables he spoke to his family…
All Of This Almost Never Happened
Steve Jobs is dead. At 56, the biggest visionary of a generation is gone far too soon. Much will be written of the technological contributions Steve has made. I am writing this on a Macbook…