[twitter]Larry Hennessey of LG 104.3 got me this morning. It’s now my turn to take the #icebucketchallenge, a viral sensation across the web that has people talking about ALS and raising money.

Normally these kind of slacktivist viral things do nothing more than get people talking, but don’t achieve anything beyond that. Talk is cheap, but it’s money that talks when fighting disease. The #icebucketchallenge for ALS has raised in excess of $5M in the past month. Last year, without the challenge, ALS coffers grew by just $32 000. So it’s working.

I’ve seen the ravages ALS can have on a family. I took the #icebucketchallenge of getting soaked AND donating and I’m challenging Reid Fiest, Jaime Stein, and Freeway Frank to do the same.

Even if you’re not tagged, you can still donate.

Now to come up with something just as good to get people talking about Team Diabetes.


Here are the ice bucket challenge videos from my challengers:

Jaime Stein

Reid Fiest

Freeway Frank

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