The Best Tobogganing Hill in Calgary

20110221 st Andrews heights toboggan hill

[twitter]When snow is on the ground 10 months of the year, you’d better learn to love winter pretty quickly. There are more than 100 outdoor rinks in Calgary that see active use from November through to April and there are dozens of tobogganing hills lining the river valley throughout the city.

No matter how you spell the sliding sport: tobagganning, tobaganing, toboganing, or just “boganning,” as Zacharie says, grabbing a slippery slab of plastic and pointing it down a hill is a great way to experience the thrill of winter in the yyc.

The best hill to toboggan in all of Calgary, is easy to spot. Just drive down Crowchild Trail or on the Trans Canada Highway and you’ll see it off to the side of the road packed with daredevils ripping down the hill like wannabe Olympic lugers.

St Andrews Heights is a community in the Northwest of the city, just a block from Foothills Hospital, McMahon Stadium and at the intersection of University Dr and 16th Ave NW. Drive by in the summer and you see that this hill was built for winter fun. It’s long, fast and has a huge collection area at the bottom protected by a fence to keep the super sliders out of the busy road.

Park in the St Andrews Heights Community Hall lot and then get ready for the heavy hike to the top. The hill is so big, you may even spot some junior snowboarders practicing their turns before hitting a bigger slope.

Another fave of ours (that doesnt have as long of a hike back up, but still has awesome speed) is in the schoolyard of John Costello Catholic School in Strathcona.

Where is your favourite tobogganing hill in Calgary?

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  2. Bill Hutchison February 22, 2011 at 8:15 pm

    We got our son that same sled last year for Christmas after moving here from Australia. He loves it.

    That looks like a fun hill. I’ve often thought that on our drives to the Children’s Hospital.

    As a kid I loved some of the steeper hills in the Weaslehead and some parts of Fish Creek Park. On my old GT Snowracer they were always fun.

  3. Lindsay Jewell February 22, 2011 at 10:02 pm

    Buzz he is a sweet little man, glad you guys have so much fun! I wish I could go back to this age with my dad! Awe priceless!

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