2013 Craft Beer Advent Calendar Cucapa Obscura

[twitter]THE BREWERY: Cucapá Brewing Company, Mexicali, Mexico
Cerveceria de Baja California (founded in 2002), is located in the City of Mexicali, and is one of a handful of Mexican microbrews. The product they brew is Cucapá Beer. This name comes from one of the five Indian tribes that live in the Mexicali Valley. The Cucapá tribe was the first settlers of the region and their love for water and nature took them to live in the Colorado River delta.

The tradition of nature, the water of the river, the geographical location and the initiative of being the first people to explore the region is what makes Cerveza Cucapá as unique as the Cucapá tribe’s ancestors.
via Wiki

THE BEER: Cucapá Obscura American Brown Ale
Gold Medal at the “2007 World Beer Championship, 91pts” Deep chestnut brown color with a medium brown head. Sweet toffee, roasted nuts, and brown sugar aromas follows through to a smooth, dryish medium body with great roundness, purity, and depth. Finishes with a rich dark roasted nut, baker’s chocolate, and earthy hop fade.

2013 Craft Beer Advent Calendar Cucapa Obscura

TASTING NOTES: from Craft Beer Advent Calendar
“Not all beer from Mexico comes in a clear bottle and needs a lime shoved in it to be drinkable. This Obscura brown ale features a nice treacle aroma with nuts in the flavour and a roasted bitterness in the finish.”

MY REVIEW: 4/5 on Untappd
Odd to get this from Mexico. You know the color and flavor you normally get from down there, this is not that. There’s a smoky first sip and then settles into a malty caramel. It is an American Brown Ale. Well done.

Click here to see all the beers in the 2013 Craft Beer Advent Calendar.
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