Five To Follow For Twitter’s 5th Twirthday

The National Post has been serving up “Five to Follow” for the past week counting down to the fifth twirthday, canvassing web celebs for their picks of the best of twitter.  Since they didn’t ask me for the paper, here are my 5, all people I met on Twitter.:

@mitchjoel – One of the smartest people I “know.”  My twitter stream is a news feed for my brain and Mitch’s sharing of links about social media and marketing offer meals of information with each click.

@nenshi – I first “met” Calgary’s mayor through a twintroduction when I initially moved to Calgary. He was pointed to me as someone who could share my social media passions – he proved it by leveraging his web powers to take the highest office in the city. He has inspired a city to engage with politicians 140 characters at a time.

@megfowler – Meg and I didnt really “meet” through Twitter, but she did meet the love of her life through the site.  One of the most engaging and random people on the internets, Meg is passionate about risotto and people.  Following her will make you think, it will make you laugh, it will make you hungry.

@anthonyfloyd – Anthony’s twitter stream is peppered with politics, geocaching and parenting stories. If Anthony’s got a link in a tweet there’s a great chance I’ll be clicking on it to learn more about my country or my job as a parent.

@jaypiddy – Jay reached out to me after we followed each other through Twitter.  He runs his own marketing business, Powershifter, and his passion for chasing down the dream is second only to Gary Vee.  His stream is filled with photography, family and marketing stories.

Who are your 5 to follow?

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