Buzz Bishop and Bif Naked

[twitter]There is noone harder and sweeter than Bif Naked. On stage she rocks harder than many, off stage she is sweeter than all. A more caring, genuine, loving person you will never meet.

I’ve interviewed Bif three times over the years, from her debut My Daddy’s Getting Married to backstage at Lilith Fair to hanging out at Z2K (where I like to say she was the last person I kissed in the 90s).

She’s got a tough, tattooed, punk exterior, but get past the visual and you’ll find one of the sweetest, most genuine people you’ll ever meet.

I love Bif and was thrilled she accepted my invitation to join me for a look backwards and forwards on #That90sShow


For an idea of what Bif is up to in her career off the stage, have a read of this essay she wrote for The Province as she stands up as a poverty advocate.

Got someone you’d like me to track down for a #That90sShow Flashback? Let me know!

Buzz Bishop on That 90s Show on Z95-3

#That90sShow airs Sunday nights from 7p-9p PST on Z95-3 Vancouver. You can listen live online or via the Z app.

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