Tommy Europe’s Shred Bootcamp Comes To Calgary

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One look around The Athlete Factory and it’s easy to tell where Tommy Europe‘s fanbase lies. Of the 150 or so people who turned out to be tamed by the trainer, I was one of only two men who borrowed their wife’s yoga mat to get down to business. The rest were nimble 30somethings taking pause from their regular downward dog to get down with the ex-football star in his trademark camouflage shorts.

The star of Bulging Brides and The Last 10 Pounds Bootcamp was in Calgary to lead the faithful through a sermon screamed via his trademark megaphone. Don’t be fooled, there was no preaching in this ceremony, it was nothing but penance we felt.

Tommy has a book coming out in the spring of 2011, The 10 Pound Shred, and he promises if you follow his directions for 31 days, you’ll have success. That’s really what it’s about – sticking to a plan. Whether it’s a diet or a workout plan, it’s all about consistency that breeds success.

I interviewed Tommy Europe on AMP Radio last week and he talks about his book and offers up a tip for those who are stuck on the couch eating pickles and watching The Jersey Shore. Yes, even you Snookalikes can become gorilla juiceheads by following some of Tommy’s tips.

20110218 tommy europe by buzzandblake

If you missed Tommy Europe‘s Calgary visit this time around, make sure you follow him on Facebook to get his schedule. He mentioned he’ll be coming back later in the summer.

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