How To Stop Yellow Pages Home Delivery

[twitter]It’s Yellow Pages and White Pages home delivery season.

The hue and cry is rising from the web about the needless delivery of these herculean volumes that few people in 2009 are thumbing through. Sure, a certain generation may be more familiar with books than Google, but when my 85 yr old Grandfather can figure out how to get online to play Bridge 8 hours a day, the savviness of the upper demos has reached a point where the phone books are redundant.


1. Visit
2. Fill in your personal information.
3. Select which directories you would like to no longer receive. (This is an opt-out program).
4. Do this by November 19, 2009.

To try and keep delivery numbers strong, the Yellow Pages have created smaller localized directories (because you’re not likely to order takeout from Maple Ridge if you live in West Van).

I agree having the menus in the Yellow Pages when ordering take out is convenient, but being tech savvy individuals we should be encouraging businesses to have user friendly websites with simple menu listings that are easily found in search engines.

Despite the option to opt out of home delivery, the Yellow Pages haven’t disappeared entirely. Mobile applications have been released to get the Yellow Pages on your iPhone, Blackberry, Facebook and text.

That might not be necessary either as you can have directory assistance for free anywhere by caling 1-800-G00G-411. Simply dial 1-800-466-4411 and you can have Google search for a number for you – FOR FREE. No paywall to be included in the search party, no supporting a company that needlessly pumps out HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of books each year that are not needed.

If, however, you don’t believe any of the above to be necessary, perhaps a job with Canpages is just what you need to get on the street and preach your version of the gospel.

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