[twitter]I have a “to do list” link at the top of this blog.

Call it a life list, call it a bucket list, call it a list of stuff I hope to do. We all have them, I like writing it down as a way to set goals, and knock them off.

I add to the list, I subtract from the list, and I check things off that list. It’s not concrete, but it’s there, in the back of my mind, a list of things I’d like to do.

From set a Guinness World Record, to see the Grand Canyon. From ride a bobsleigh to sabre champagne, my “to do list” is at times ambitious, at times subtle, and all mine.

One item I have on my list I have come close to achieving a couple of times. “Give a speech people paid to hear” has been on the list for a long time and I’m wavering as to whether or not I’ve accomplished it.

I have spoken in front of groups before. I’ve talked at schools, universities, clubs, meetups, and conferences. One or two of those might have counted for this item check, but I’m 100% considering it accomplished today.

Today, I have been confirmed on the list of speakers at Dad 2.014 Summit in New Orleans in January.

Buzz Bishop emcee United WayI will share a stage with one of my ‘bosses’ from Babble, Andrea Zimmerman, and we’ll talk about courting controversy, and finding your voice when it comes to chasing the elusive traffic and attention bloggers seek.

I started DadCAMP in 2009 as something to do when I was between jobs. It was a place to write about the roll of dads as parents and facilitate some networking between engaged dads.

The past year has seen me taking my writing much more seriously, and write much more personally. The blog has built brand partnerships, and gained global media attention. This has allowed DadCAMP to raise nearly $8000 since the summer for Team Diabetes with brand support. I’m looking forward to hitting the conference floor and making more connections to continue the uptrend.

Sitting on that stage in front of all those dads will be a big part of it. Thanks for helping me check off my “to do list,” guys.

Next big item I’d like to knock off? Write a book. I heard a story about a guy who met a guy who met a guy who knew a publisher and got a book deal from Dad 2.013. Let’s see if lightning can strike twice.

Laissez les bon temps rouler.

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  1. Pingback: Let’s Talk Bums: Cottonelle Comes Clean On Wipes Campaign | DadCAMP

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