Star Wars Unemployment

I may not have a real job, but I have never been busier.

From launching DadCAMP to applying for jobs and re-networking with people in various industries to playing with Zacharie, Ive never had more on my plate than I do now and I dont have a job.

The most important thing to do when you dont have a job is to still act like you have one. Get used to sitting on the couch and watching Drew Carey on The Price Is Right and it will become a harder habit to break than Twitter.

I still get up every morning, read my news feeds and take Zacharie to daycare. Then I usually have meetings with contacts before settling in for a few hours of writing. Yup, writing. I may not have a real job, but my head is swimming in ideas and I need to crank them out.

I write cyberbuzz, a 60 second radio feature about the internet and wired culture.

I write stories for DadCAMP, a daddy blog for creative and modern parents.

I write for the Future Shop Tech Blog about gadgets and social media and the future of things.

Recently Ive been asked to contribute to The Vancouver Sun community of interest blogs and Techvibes.

And I just churn out ideas and things in my head about how radio can be better and do things differently and move ahead in to a world where the audience thinks it just doesnt matter.

Add all of those things together and the money I’m compensated is barely enough to cover a car payment and winter heating bills. But I’m not doing these things for the money they bring, but rather for the skills they encourage, the energy they provide and the habits they continue.

I may not have a job, but I’ve never been busier. I’ve never been more prolific. I’ve never had deeper thoughts. I’ve never had so much fun.

Sure, its stressful as hell to wonder whats going to happen to my mortgage when the money runs out and baby #2 arrives in the new year, but in the meantime I’m cranking out ideas and content and theories and insight. I’m hoping this will be enough to make people stop, read, and then think: I need to hire Buzz Bishop.

Need more info about what I can do? Dial in the media kit.

The Blog According to Buzz. Spread the word, ya heard?

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