That’s 3 yr old Zacharie in a convertible pretending to be driving all over town in the header image.

I can’t believe we’re nearly at the time where that pic isn’t a cute little photo of something that might happen a long way in the future, but rather it’s something that could be happening right now.

14 yrs old in Alberta means you’re eligible for a learner’s license. Zacharie is now 14 and I’m so glad he’s taking his time getting his learner’s because I am so not ready for this.

I mean, this is what he looks like with the top down now.

Kal Tire is asking #WhoDoYouDriveSafelyFor this winter, it makes me think of all the things I do to prep my car for winter to keep myself and family safe. I’ve got my winter tires on, I’m checking tire pressures, and making sure things are tuned up and I have blankets, first aid kits, shovels, and supplies in the trunk. I’m ready for what #CanadianWinter can throw at me.

But I don’t think I’m ready for what my teenager can throw at me.

The last time I felt terrified as the passenger in a car was with my grandfather (almost 91 at the time), when he drove us from Vancouver to Seattle for my brother’s wedding.

Nothing like a nonagenarian doing 100kph on the I-5 to wake you up.

I can guarantee this is the face I will be making when my son slides into the drivers’ seat for the first time. Our next door neighbour has a nearly 15 yr old daughter, but she’s the size of my 11 year old. She’s been learning to drive her dad’s diesel hemi and .. wow, there’s nothing like seeing a barely 5 foot teen climb into the driver’s side of a diesel hemi to wake you up.

Before you turn the ignition, turn to your right and to the back seat, if anyone’s has the look I have here, you might want to #TalkToKal.

#WhoDoYouDriveSafelyFor is a question @KalTire is asking as we head into the winter road tripping season. You need wipers that work, you need tires that grip, you need a car that’s tuned, and you need a passenger that’s comfortable.

This post is sponsored by Kal Tire

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