I am all about pinching pennies, cornering quarters, and deleting dollars from my expenses. The way economies are going, I’m going to need all the help I can get to save up for a rainy day, and the skies are getting cloudy.
That’s why I’m a ninja in the grocery store. I price match, bulk up when things are on sale, and will always make sure I’m getting the lowest price.
That’s why for our upcoming family getaway to Florida, I entered contests to scoop free hotels along the way and capitalized on my WestJet card to get a flight for $99 and also took advantage of their price drop guarantee when the flight cost dropped.
And I’m saving, saving, saving. We started saving money for the boys the day they were born, and still contribute money every month. While my dad convinced me to go fixed rate when getting my mortgages the past number of years (flexible would have been better), he did convince me to open an RRSP as soon as I had a ‘real job’ and seeing those annual statements coming in the mail the past few weeks has made me smile.
I still have some kinks to work out, but when it comes to my money, I’m at least starting to get my books on track.
That’s how I’m saving money this year, how are you doing it? Zag wants to know.
Zag helps Canadians reap the rewards of saving money by letting them bank virtually everywhere they go, and sending notifications that keep you in the know. Check out Zag online and discover not-so-secret ways to meet your financial goals even faster, with up to 2.5% interest on RRSPs.
Zag is hosting an installation in CrossIron Mills on February 13 and 14 where you can share your savings secrets, and win some big money.
Every person who records a saving secret by visiting the Zag-branded installation and sharing it on social media (Facebook or Twitter) will be entered into a draw to win $2,500.
How To Win $2500 from Zag
1. Stop by the Zag installation in CrossIrons Mills on February 13 and 14.
2. Record a Savings Secrets video at the Zag installation.
3. Contest entries will be accepted for as long as the Zag installation is active Feb 13 and 14, 2016. Contest Rules
How To Win Another $2500 from Zag
Don’t worry, if you’re not near Calgary, or unable to make it out to the CrossIron Mills installation, everyone in Canada (except Quebec) has a chance to win a separate $2,500 prize by tweeting a Savings Secret with the hashtag #SaveWithZag or commenting on a post on Zag’s Facebook page from February 15-29.
How To Win Another $250 from Me (and Zag)!
I need some help spreading the word about the Zag installation at CrossIron Mills, saving money, and winning money. So use the channels below and you could win another $250 from Me (and Zag).
Terms and Conditions: My Rafflecopter contest is open to Canadians only, excluding Quebec. Prize will be awarded as a $250 cheque. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited.

Dad. Broadcaster. Writer.
Three time Guinness World Record Holder.
I run the world for Team Diabetes.