2013-07-02 Hole In One - 05

[twitter]Back in the late 90s, when I really started to play golf seriously, I would get up early on the weekends and play at a little executive length course. A quick boot around Country Meadows was a great way to learn the game.

I’d go out as soon as they unlocked the gates. I’d hit the first 9, stop in at the concession at halfway to pay, and then play the back 9. One of these early mornings I skulled my 7 iron on the second hole sending it screaming down the fairway dusting up a rooster tail of dew. When I got to the green, the trail went right in the hole.


Except who saw it? It was just me and the ducks. I motioned to the grounds crew, but he didn’t understand what I was screaming about. When I told the concession, they looked at me slyly before handing over a trophy for me to keep my ball.

Achievement unlocked, or was it? It wasn’t on a “real” golf course, and nobody saw me do it. While I would say I had scored a hole-in-one when asked, I would add the asterisk that it was on a short course without witness.

So this week, when I pured a 7 iron 165 yards with one hop and into the cup on the 7th hole at The Point at Copper Point, I ran around the tee box screaming like Justin Leonard at the Ryder Cup.

I did it. A *real* hole-in-one with a witness on a real golf course. WOOOOOOO!

The gang at Copper Point were great after our round. They gave me a celebratory pin flag with the details of my ace written on it, took my picture for their archives, and bought me a beer.

Achievement Unlocked! For real!

Hole In One At Copper Point Golf

2013-07-02 Hole In One - 02

2013-07-02 Hole In One - 04

2013-07-02 Hole In One - 09

(Visited 285 times, 1 visits today)


  1. James July 8, 2013 at 12:43 pm

    Well done! Many avid golfers (like my dad and myself) have never made a hole-in-one. I’ve been golfing for close to 30 years, and my dad more than 60!

    The first one counts, don’t bother with the asterisk! A par 3 is a par 3, and because golf is a game of honesty and sportsmanship no real golfer would claim a hole-in-one that wasn’t legitimate.

    Congratulations on your 2nd hole-in-one!

  2. Buzz July 8, 2013 at 12:44 pm

    Thanks so much, James!

  3. Pingback: Tee Time #1: Copper Point Golf Club, Invermere | The Blog According To Buzz

  4. Pingback: Tee Time #2: River Spirit Golf Club | The Blog According To Buzz

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