buzz bishop kevin garnett[twitter]With that quote, Kevin Garnett finally realized a dream. He was an all star, he was MVP, but he wasn’t yet a champion. With a 39 point ass kicking of the Lakers tonight, Kevin Garnett and the Boston Celtics became Champions.

Back in the day, when there was still an NBA team in Vancouver, I used to sit in the media box near the rafters of GM Place and pretend I was Don Poier doing the play-by-play.

I really loved pro basketball in Vancouver. Tickets were easy to score for cheap or free, and no matter how far behind the team got in the first, you know a third quarter rally would always be coming to make it close. It was exciting.

Kevin Garnett’s rookie season was when the Grizz broke in, so he was one of the players I quickly started to follow. One night, after a game, I was having drinks with friends at the Sutton Place Hotel when KG and his entourage strolled through. I grabbed him for a photo.

He’s an awesome guy, congrats KG!

The Blog According to Buzz. Spread the word, ya heard?

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