“The Vancouver Canucks Are Going To The Stanley Cup Finals!”

17 years later and I still get chills watching that goal and hearing Jim Robson‘s call.

“Greg Adams! Greg Adams!”

I get chills because I was there with my brother. Some 30 rows over Felix Potvin‘s left shoulder, I felt like Adams was rushing in to cheer with my brother and I – we were so close to the action.

“The Vancouver Canucks are going to the Stanley! Cup! Finals!” exclaimed Robson with a mix of disbelief and pride.

In the spring of 1994 I went to 3 of Vancouver’s playoff games. In the pre-internet era, the tickets were easier to come by. The Canucks weren’t a Team of Destiny then, if they were to go all the way they would need some help and good luck to get there so when my brother and I “gambled” and bought tickets to three of four rounds early in the run, we were in the minority of believers.

We watched the Canucks and Flames. Skipped the Dallas round and then had tickets to the Leafs clincher and Game 4 of the Finals.

The environment in a Stanley Cup final game is immeasurable. A flag was unfurled covering an entire section of the Pacific Coliseum during the national anthem. I lost my voice before the first puck was dropped.

And then came Pavel Bure‘s penalty shot.

In 1994 I was there. Where will you be tonight?

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  1. Michael Kwan May 24, 2011 at 11:39 pm

    Bieksa with the 2OT GWG!!!! Four more to go!

  2. Carolyn Egerszegi May 25, 2011 at 9:51 am

    I loved that Bure clip Buzz. What a fun memory. I was one of the many silly girls who had a crush on Pavel and even had his newspaper 2-page spread hung over my desk at work. Embarrassing to think about it now. Some friends and I made it to one game during the Flames series. We were in the nosebleeds, but it was still a lot of fun! Bandwagon? I’m on it…

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