Typically, removing popcorn ceiling is one of the first tasks of people who purchase a new home. Most people are already aware of the many disadvantages of this design, so this also means that homeowners…
Posts tagged how-to
The Best Camera Is The One You Have On You – How My iPhone Is Replacing My DSLR
Here are some great ideas to get better pictures from iPhone to help you ditch the bulky DSLR. If I can become a published photographer with an old iPhone, you can too!
How To Make Reservations For Camping In Alberta Parks
You need to make reservations if you want to go camping in Alberta Parks. For 2016, the reservations start on February 8. Here’s what you need to do:
How I Got A $250 Bonus Opening Bank Accounts For My Kids At Tangerine
Here’s how I got $250 for depositing $500 in to Tangerine. They have a great bonus opening bank accounts for kids and you can get it too.
9 Ways For Cooling A Home Without Air Conditioning
It’s hot time, it’s summer in the city. If you’re fighting the heat without a/c here’s 9 ways to try cooling a home without air conditioning. Perfect timing.
How To Save Money On Your Monthly Energy Bill
If you want to save money on your monthly energy bill, it starts with installing a Nest Smart Home Thermostat. Then check your doors and windows, and these other simple tips.
How To Stop Getting Email Updates From Your Facebook Page
Facebook has updated its pages to make them more like profiles. The biggest change you’ll notice is the flood of notices to your email box this morning. By default, the page is set up to…