8 million people a year visit Stanley Park. It’s a magical place for all who visit, but on the occasion of the park’s 125th birthday, I go through my family archives to trace my 30+ year love affair with this crown jewel of Vancouver.
Posts tagged personal
Throwback Thursday: 7 Year Itch
7 years later we still love playing golf.
Searching For My Scottish Past
I am Canadian more than anything, but this trip to Edinburgh tracing my family tree has had me eating haggis 3 times a day. I must be Scottish.
Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff, This Is Water
[twitter]Ladies and gentlemen of the class of ’99, wear sunscreen. Do you remember Baz Luhrman‘s 1999 recording of Mary Schmich’s 1997 newspaper column? A speech, with a little bit of music, climbed the pop charts….
If I Won The Lottery
[twitter]Chad Klepaycuk of Okotoks claimed his $15.8 million dollars this week. He was one of 4 people holding a winning ticket in the largest jackpot in Canadian lottery history. The first question all reporters ask…
Spreading Myself Too Thin
[twitter]I am my own worst critic. Before publishing anything, I will write draft after draft after draft. Rarely does something get written in one sitting and then put out. I will stir topic ideas around…
On Running For Office
[twitter]There’s always been a piece of me, in the back of my mind, that would like to run for office. I am now closer than ever to making that a reality. Last year I joined…
Do You Care?
Chateau Chambord, Loire Valley, March 2008. [twitter]Do you care about me? I mean would you care about me if I let it all hang out? My blog(s) are more about Google juice than personal narrative…
Hockey And Chinese Food – A Family Tradition
[twitter]I went to visit my parents this past week because I missed my grandfather. I’m lucky. At 43, I am the oldest of the oldest of the oldest. I have known 3 of my great…
When I Grow Up I (Still) Want To Be An Astronaut
[twitter]I may be 43, but I still want to be an astronaut when I grow up. When I was 5 years old, my grandparents took me on a trip to Disney World. While Mickey and…
All Of This Almost Never Happened: Why I’m Thankful Two Young People Chose Life
Today is my wife’s birthday. It’s a bittersweet day, and not because the candles on her cake number more than 40 – my wife is adopted. Let me rephrase that: today is the most wonderful…
Don’t Make A Resolution, Set A New Year’s Goal
[twitter]It’s really a subtle change… a very subtle change, but if you think about working towards something positive instead of changing something negative, it can affect your whole mindset. Don’t think of the new year…
Who Was Dawn Hochsprung? Chances Are You Already Know Her
Who was Dawn Hochsprung? She was the principal of Sandy Hook Elementary.
The Awkward, Non-Professional Life Of A Radio Host
[twitter]I have worked in radio for nearly 25 years. Radio life is a little different than the usual office experience. I often describe it as being like a pre-teen girl for eternity. I listen to…
The Coolest Tweet Evar
I’ve exchanged tweets with some big names. Political characters the likes of Marc Garneau, Tony Clement, Michael Ignatieff, Gilles Duceppe, Elizabeth May, Danielle Smith, and Naheed Nenshi have all found time to respond to a…
On Going Viral, Protecting Copyright, And Herding Cats
[twitter]There’s a side effect of going viral: your image is everywhere. My article about having a favorite kid was picked up by websites around the world. Not just bloggers were writing about my story, but…