In the first person view from a bobsleigh you don’t see much unless you’re driving. For everyone else it’s head down and enjoy the ride. Check this video.
Posts tagged seen in calgary
Seen In Calgary #24: Team Canada’s Dressing Room At Winsport
To sit in the Team Canada dressing room at winsport is a treat. This is the home of hockey in Canada. All of our greatest players sit on these benches before going for gold. For a moment I was Toews. I was Wickenheiser. I was Crosby.
Seen In Calgary #23: Cloud Making Machines
The clouds on the prairies come in many shapes and sizes. Mix in a downtown skyline and it looks like they come from cloud making machines.
Seen In Calgary #22: Snow That Glitters
I don’t like winter. I’m a spring and fall kinda guy. I like the crisp air and bright colours, but you can keep the snow thank you very much. My kids, however, have a very different perspective on snow. I love that having kids changes my perspective and lets me see things from a different angle. Like, for example, snow.
Seen In Calgary #21: Naheed Nenshi
I first met Naheed Nenshi on twitter almost a year before he became Mayor. Even then he was friendly and engaging not aware of his destiny. He still didn’t know if he would run, let alone be elected as Mayor of Calgary. Here’s how I got to know the best Mayor in Canada and came to call him friend.
Seen In Calgary #20: Old Cars And A Buddhist Stupa On Paskapoo Slopes Trails
I love the trails of Paskapoo Slopes just a few blocks from our house. No need to escape all the way to the Rockies to get a rugged hike in with the kids, this one is just 2 blocks away. In addition to the walk in the woods, it offers up a couple of interesting surprises: a Buddhist Stupa and 2 old cars stuck in the mud. Best part? How they got there is a complete mystery…
Seen In Calgary #19: The Other Stanley Park
There is a Stanley Park in Calgary. It’s not as big, not as beautiful, not as old, but it is still Stanley Park. When you miss Vancouver, it will do.
Seen In Calgary #18: Moonset At Sunrise
It was a beautiful late summer morning in Calgary. Well, the calendar says summer but it feels all fall with this gorgeous moonset at sunrise.
Seen In Calgary #17: Raygun Gothic Rocketship At Beakerhead
The Raygun Gothic Rocketship is visiting Calgary this week as a part of Beakerhead. It is a fantastically retro-futuristic space vehicle that will have your mind time traveling from the past to the future and back again. The climb up the precarious ladder to the ground floor of this 40 foot beauty is enough to give you vertigo.
Seen In Calgary #16: The Nanton Candy Store
Nanton Candy Store | Nanton, Alberta | July 21, 2013 [twitter]I’m cheating, I didn’t see it in Calgary, but I did see it in Nanton. Anytime you make a bolt south of the city for…
Seen In Calgary #15: The Greatest Outdoor Show On Earth
The Grandstand At The Calgary Stampede | July 5, 2013 [twitter]Say what you will about rodeos, The Greatest Outdoor Show On Earth is just that. It is all the fun of your traditional County /…
Seen In Calgary #14: Keep Calm And Nenshi On T Shirt
[twitter]Last week I lamented that Calgary could use a cool tshirt like the one that was created for charity in Vancouver. Well, I wasn’t hoping for a #yycflood to make it happen, but the gang…
Seen In Calgary #13 : Nuclear Bomb Mushroom Cloud Over Downtown
[twitter]It’s thunderstorm season on the prairies and that can mean some interesting cloud formations. As a large cell developed over Strathmore, it looked like a nuclear bomb had been dropped on Calgary. The nuclear bomb…
Seen In Calgary # 12: Be Part of The Energy #RightHereYYC Video
#RightHereYYC | Tourism Calgary | [twitter]Is this what your Calgary looks like? A new video from Calgary Economic Development, Tourism Calgary, the Calgary TELUS Convention Centre and the Calgary Hotel Association has been released…
Seen In Calgary #11: Spring
Shaganappi Golf Course | SW Calgary | March 30, 2013 [twitter]Spring in Calgary is a bit of a fickle beast. March brings the heaviest snows of the year, and it’s rare to see anything popping…
Seen In Calgary #10: The Calgary Peace Bridge
The Calgary Peace Bridge | January 23, 2013 [twitter]Truth be told, the “need” of a bridge where the Calgary Peace Bridge was built was not necessary. There are three other pedestrian bridges 275m west, 400m…