Posts tagged seen in calgary

Seen In Calgary #22: Snow That Glitters

I don’t like winter. I’m a spring and fall kinda guy. I like the crisp air and bright colours, but you can keep the snow thank you very much. My kids, however, have a very different perspective on snow. I love that having kids changes my perspective and lets me see things from a different angle. Like, for example, snow.

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Seen In Calgary #21: Naheed Nenshi

I first met Naheed Nenshi on twitter almost a year before he became Mayor. Even then he was friendly and engaging not aware of his destiny. He still didn’t know if he would run, let alone be elected as Mayor of Calgary. Here’s how I got to know the best Mayor in Canada and came to call him friend.

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Seen In Calgary #20: Old Cars And A Buddhist Stupa On Paskapoo Slopes Trails

I love the trails of Paskapoo Slopes just a few blocks from our house. No need to escape all the way to the Rockies to get a rugged hike in with the kids, this one is just 2 blocks away. In addition to the walk in the woods, it offers up a couple of interesting surprises: a Buddhist Stupa and 2 old cars stuck in the mud. Best part? How they got there is a complete mystery…

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