I’m currently raising money for Team Diabetes Rio. I’m halfway to my $6100 fundraising goal.
I’m raising the money by freelancing for charity, doing voicework, hosting, web design and consulting in exchange for donations to my Team Diabetes Rio run.
The latest work was a couple hundred bucks pretending to be a dad hiding Christmas presents for a corporate video. Not bad for a few hours work, and this is where the money goes:
• $500 pays for 20 hours of world-class diabetes research, bringing us closer to a cure every day.
• $200 sends a child to one of our diabetes summer camps for one day.
• $125 allows one person affected by diabetes to attend an education
session featuring guest speakers and demonstrations on effective
diabetes management.• $50 provides a full day of training for two volunteers who help educate
and raise awareness of diabetes.
Got something that needs to be done? Hire me and get a tax receipt and support Team Diabetes.
The Blog According to Buzz. Spread the word, ya heard?

Dad. Broadcaster. Writer.
Three time Guinness World Record Holder.
I run the world for Team Diabetes.