Buzz Bishop Team Diabetes
Stretching before a run. Photo by Neil Zeller.

I’m into week 3 of training for the Gold Coast Marathon. My training plan calls for 4 days a week of runs. Tuesdays, Wednesday, Friday I run between 6k and 10k, Sundays my long runs expand from 10k to 32k by mid-May.

There are a lot of kilometres to be run between now and July 4 and getting this one in the books will take a lot of effort. But it’s worth it. My entire family will be running on Team Diabetes at the Gold Coast Marathon race weekend, and the fund raising has been going well. I ask for sponsors to donate to Team D in exchange for branded content on my blog network, and the past year has seen $25 000 donated. Awesome.

But enough about me, what about you?

I’d love it if you would take the spring and summer to get some training done and get a race on your calendar for later this year. You can take control of your health, spread the message of a healthy lifestyle amongst your friends and colleagues, raise some money and have some fun.

Team Diabetes has made a name for itself with exciting international events (like Iceland, Dublin, Jamaica, Walt Disney World, and the Great Wall of China), but ….

Did you know that Team Diabetes will be at over 25 events across Canada in 2016?!

Team Diabetes Canada 2016

The fund raising ask isn’t as steep, you can find a race near you, and you can meet other people with the same goal of fighting diabetes. It’s a great entry into the Team Diabetes community, and I’d love it if you would look over the list and find a race that works for you.

I’ve just taken on a new term as Southern Alberta Regional Chair for the Canadian Diabetes Association. I am trying to use this position to be a liaison between the community, volunteers, and the CDA. I want people living with diabetes to feel that their association has their best interests at heart.

I want to advocate for kids in school to be treated with dignity and respect when managing their illnesses, and I want youth to have support as they step into the real world for the first time with a little extra baggage. I also want to inspire those of us entering middle age to get active, stay active, and not be one of the ballooning statistics that point to Type 2 diabetes as a health care epidemic in Canada.

So that’s why I do what I do. And that’s what I’d like for you to help me do.

Here’s a little bit of what happens with that money people on Team Diabetes raise. It  helps kids, it helps programs, it promotes health and wellness, and it makes a difference.

Team Diabetes Infographic

Thanks so much for your support. I’d love it if you would pass this post along to people you know who live with diabetes, or are looking for a way to get out, get active, and give back.

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  1. Pingback: Darth Vader Has Diabetes. And He's Finally Talking About It. - The Blog According To Buzz

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