Baker St Inn in Nelson

[twitter]Baker St Inn
153 Baker Street, Nelson, British Columbia V1L 4H1
Local: 250-352-3525 Reservations: 1-888-255-3525
$189 / night for the Jacuzzi Suite

“I did it for accident, Mama.”

It’s Charlie’s new line when he gets caught doing something he shouldn’t have been doing. It’s a line that perfectly describes this trip so far for me.

I forgot to update my passport causing us to reroute our trip to Vancouver ‘for accident.’ And, last night, as we pulled in to the Baker St Inn Nelson at 7p after a long day of driving, and beach playing, I discovered I had hastily made our reservation for August 18, not August 4. I did ‘for accident,’ I swear.

Head in my hands at the check-in counter, the lady mentioned they did have one room left. Absolutely one room. The jacuzzi suite. It had a king sized bed, a hide a bed with a queen, and a jacuzzi. Yes, I will take it, wondering how much more this mistake would cost me. The room was about $30 more than my previous reservation, already about $50 more than I wanted to spend, but what can you do when you do something ‘for accident?’

The boys loved the jacuzzi which, by the way, wasn’t in the bathroom, it was in the suite. I find it a little “honeymoon suite” kinky and odd, the boys loved it, and that’s all that mattered.

The Baker St Inn is right across from the Nelson Airport which, on the night we were staying, there was a forest fire just west of us. First we heard the helicopters lifting off with their big rescue buckets scooping up water from the Kootenay River. Then we saw them scream out to the west towards the smoke rising above the ridge.

Helicopter Landing in Nelson

Forest Fire in the Kootenays

This absolutely lit the boys up. Just weeks after watching Planes Fire and Rescue, they were absolutely fascinated by seeing a real life fire rescue. They named the helicopters (That one’s Red Wing), and expressed concern for the animals in the fire area and explained to us exactly how the fire would be extinguished. It was some fun excitement to see before bed.

As for a room review of the hotel, you don’t get much for your room rate at the Baker St Inn in Nelson. You get your room. There’s no complimentary breakfast, there’s a small fridge, a coffee machine, and a microwave. It was enough to fashion our own breakfast for the kids, but I’m used to the free continental breakfast from Best Western Hotels. It’s not a lot of cost for the hotel, but it’s a lot of savings for a guest. This property also doesnt have a pool, which isnt as much of a big deal with the gorgeous Rotary Lakeside Park just a few minutes away.

Jacuzzi Suite at Baker St Inn

The front desk was wonderful in helping me solve my ‘for accident’ problem, but the room was still almost $100 more than I would have liked to have paid. If it’s in your budget, you’ll enjoy your stay at the Baker St Inn, a family stay in Nelson likely requires more research to find a better suited suite.

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