las vegas strip

SEE ALSO: How To Get SOLD OUT MyVegas Rewards Easier

[twitter]If you want free comps for your next trip to Las Vegas, play MyVegas on Facebook. You play slot machine type games and score chips and loyalty points you can then use to buy comps for MGM properties in Las Vegas.

It’s all freemium. That means it’s free, but if you want to speed the game play, you can pay. I didn’t spend a dime over the couple of months I played MyVegas to get the comps we needed for our trip to Las Vegas last month. I didn’t spend a dime, but I spent a lot of time. It can take a while to get the comps, is it worth it?

Have a read of my MyVegas Tips, Tricks, and Cheats post with some tips on how to play the game and get chips, then read about the MyVegas Rewards I used on my trip and you be the judge if it’s worth it.


We are staying at the Monte Carlo. There is a daily $20 resort fee which covers room internet and local calls, some bottled water, a daily paper, workout facilities, and a coffee maker. It’s a silly charge, especially if you travel light with just an iPad, iPhone, or MacBook Air. The ethernet port out of the wall in your room doesn’t attach to those devices. WiFi is available in the food court. I actually appreciated being forced offline in the room.

I came prepared with all the MyVegas Rewards for the week, and waited in line at our MLife desk for 20 minutes only to find that .. you have to visit the hotel for which the reward is issued and it’s only good for 24hrs. That was a waste of 20 minutes, so we headed over to Aria to pick up our coupons for their buffet.

the buffet at aria las vegas

The Buffet at Aria is great. The line was long, we waited about 45 minutes to get a table, but it was worth it. If you’re going to use this buffet reward, add on the “Bottomless Beverage Pass” from MyVegas on Facebook. The selection of booze is actually pretty good including La Marca Prosecco, Chateau St Jean Chardonnay, and nice beers on tap.

The buffet itself was a wonderful mix of Indian, Mediterranean, American, Seafood, Salads, Pizza, Mexican, Asian, and more. Instead of a trough of food, it is done tapas style with loads of small plates you can grab. Classy. I loaded up on the king crab and snow crab legs, as did everyone else in the place. Great use of the MyVegas Rewards.

We then went downstairs and played the Hangover slot machine (our favorite). My wife ditched $100 PDQ, I was blitzed after the bottomless beverage pas and then sat down right after her .. hit for a $900 win 4th spin in. Got up and left about $1000 to the good. Wooo!

alan's jackpot hangover slot machine


I also had picked up a couple of All-Day-Buffet coupons for use at Luxor and Excalibur. This gets you access to both buffets all day. We walked over and had breakfast at Excalibur. It is what it is, a buffet. Don’t eat the food in the middle, walk to the back and have a custom made omelette. Much better. Still, after seeing what can be done at the Aria, this is just slumming it. You can pick around and find good things, but it’s not worth paying for – that’s for sure.

Pro tip:at the breakfast buffet grab a banana or apple and stick it in your bag for later in the day

excalibur breakfast buffet

After breakfast we hopped the Deuce and rode down The Strip to Fashion Show Mall for some shopping. We wandered through there, the Forum Shops, and into Bellagio.

I didn’t have the Warhol: Out West reward, which was too bad. It’s only 5000 LP to get the ticket that will cost $18 at the door. That’s a good return on investment. The exhibit was okay. It’s two small rooms filled with a few dozen paintings. I really enjoyed the Polaroid series featuring young Debbie Harry, Mick Jagger, Grace Jones, et al.

We refreshed at the hotel before heading over to Luxor for dinner before Criss Angel. Again, it was okay but nothing compared to Aria.

more buffet at luxor

Criss Angel’s Believe was terrible. We got the tickets comped when we booked our flight package and that’s a good thing because at $90 each, it’s a rip-off. There is a lot of disappearing tricks that are done with trap doors, easy to figure out. I wanted to see some of his close up magic and stuff like that, there was one razor blade trick that was cool, the rest of it was ‘meh.’ He has a big ego trip on stage mentioning his YouTube views, and awards, and lots of humblebragging. He recites his lines without much spontaneity which makes even his “random audience” selection bits look like he chose plants.

His routine centered around what a rock star he is and was filled with cock and balls and dick jokes. To be fair, the clowns making the most of them were from Cirque du Soleil and they were actually very clever and good. A few girls next to us actually squealed and gasped when he came on stage, so he knows his audience, but we just couldn’t stop thinking about how we would have rather been at Penn and Teller.


Pool day. After I played the early poker tournament at Monte Carlo, we cashed in the MyVegas Reward for a Picnic By The Pool. It’s a choice of appies and a bucket of beer, retail value $50. Great deal for the 25 000 Loyaly Points.

monte carlo pool

monte carlo pool

monte carlo pool

Watch which beers you order, pick cans as opposed to bottles. They’ll open the bottles right away, cans you get to crack. Corona, Newcastle, Stella come in cans, Bud Light Lime comes in an aluminum long neck. We had the nachos and they were stacked high with chips and toppings. The middle chips, usually my faves, were soggy. Still, a $50 value for nothing with a small amount of MyVegas Reward chips makes this a winner for an afternoon by the pool.

After a day at the pool we went out for dinner to Gordon Ramsay Steak at Paris Las Vegas. No MyVegas points here, but after 2 days of buffets we were ready for some real food.


We had one reward left to use, a slice and beer at Pizza Five50 in Aria. The plan was to go there for lunch before hitting our flight. We didn’t check the fine print. Our beer and pizza coupon wasn’t valid on Friday because it was a long weekend. Thought that was pretty lame.


It’s a shame that the MyVegas Rewards are switching to Groupon-style 2 for 1 coupons instead of bona fide freebies. Be careful which rewards you pick and read the fine print.

The buffets are plentiful to find for free on MyVegas, but stick to the high end ones or you’re like cattle at a trough.

The Pool Picnic is a terrific value.

It’s too bad we didn’t grab the Warhol or Bottomless Beverage Pass rewards.

I dumped a few hundred hours into MyVegas on Facebook and managed to get about $200 in comps in return. If you’re into playing Facebook games, might as well play games that can get you something for nothing but your time. Remember to check out the MyVegas Tips, Tricks, and Cheats so you can maximize your rewards.

There is a lot of construction on the strip side of the Monte Carlo. They are supposed to start at 7a, they were banging by 645 each day we were there. If you can avoid The Strip side of the hotel, do it. It was very disappointing our check-in clerk sold us on a “great view of the strip” when checking us in. Normally I would love it, but on this visit it was the worst of the 3 sides of the hotel.

See Also:

Best MyVegas Free Chips Strategies to earn the most chips when playing and find the best times to play to earn the most chips.

How To Use MyVegas Cheats To Earn Chips offers a great overview of the game, how to get playing, and what sorts of things you can use when you go to Las Vegas.

How To Play Perfect MyVegas Strategy – this guide will tell you exactly how many chips to bet on each level of the game so you earn the most LP to spend on MyVegas Rewards.

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