
We're very proud to have been honoured as @natgeotravel Travelers Of The Year! Full blog post coming tomorrow. 🙂

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Sell your stuff. Buy a one-way plane ticket on the next flight out of town. Don’t look back.

If you want to travel the world, you have to just .. well .. travel the world. Meet the Hecks, the 2014 National Geographic Travelers of the Year.

In 2009, Pete and Dalene sold their suburban Calgary home, bought a plane ticket to Bolivia and have been on the road ever since. Their only regret is they didn’t pick up and leave sooner.

“Everyone assumes we won the lottery, or life is a giant vacation but that’s really not the case,” Dalene tells the CBC. “We’ve found a way such that it’s cheaper for us to travel than it ever was to live a stable life here in Alberta.”

“We find we have passion and purpose now,” Pete said. “We wake up each day and decide where we want to go and what we want to do. It’s a lot of freedom.”

They write about the lessons they’ve learned from travel. And it’s all things we already know, but don’t appreciate. We have too much stuff, we need to share, we need to care, and “despite what you may think after watching the evening news, people are inherently good.”


You can follow their globetrotting adventures at Hecktic Travels.

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