I’ve exchanged tweets with some big names. Political characters the likes of Marc Garneau, Tony Clement, Michael Ignatieff, Gilles Duceppe, Elizabeth May, Danielle Smith, and Naheed Nenshi have all found time to respond to a question I’ve asked them through Twitter.

I’ve had exchanges with celebrities like Colin and Justin, Al Roker, and Chris Harrison.

Even the highest reaches of the digerati, Amber Mac, Xeni Jardin, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Chris Brogan, have responded to requests. It’s at a point where I almost expect to have tweets answered, no matter who I fire an @ at.

Still, a tweet I received yesterday made me stop and glow for a moment. It wasn’t only a tweet from one of Canada’s greatest athletes, it was an acknowledgement that I had been part of her journey to the top of the mountain.

Christine Sinclair is the captain of the Canadian Women’s National Soccer Team. She’s an Olympic bronze medalist, and again this year is being hailed as one of the greatest footballers on the planet. Christine is 29 years old and grew up in Burnaby, BC. That would have made her a pre-teen and teen when I was on the air in Vancouver at one of the powerhouse Top 40 radio stations in Canada, Z95.3FM.

I interviewed Christine this week about a sponsorship she has with Tide and KidSport. Before the interview, the PR rep mentioned that Christine had listened to me on the radio growing up and was almost as thrilled to talk to me as I was to speak with her.

Over my 22+ years on the radio, I’ve had the opportunity to interview everyone from The Spice Girls to Mick Jagger. I’ve met Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and Gwen Stefani. It’s been a very cool ride. Sometimes, though, I forget about the audience that is growing up and listening to me. Every now and again someone will mention they used to listen to me “back in tha day.” You can’t imagine what a cool feeling that is, especially when it’s coming from an Olympic medalist.

I have said those medals that the athletes win belong to all Canadians. I’ll take a little extra pride in Christine’s knowing I entertained her on the way to soccer practice, played music while she did homework, and was a virtual companion for part of her ride to the top.

Here’s the interview with Christine Sinclair on the importance of amateur sport: 20121025 christine sinclair

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