How To Volunteer To Help Clean Up Calgary

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[twitter]Volunteerism. It’s sweat, it’s dirt, it’s effort, it’s time. It’s not money.

Calgary drives 5% of Canada’s economy. It’s a rich place. A very rich place. In 1 week $10M was donated to the Red Cross, more impressive than dollars though, is the time people are donating to right Mother Nature’s wrongs.

Money can buy you a new house, new table, new floors, new clothes. Money can’t get that mud out of your basement and the garbage ripped off your lawn. Volunteers have been doing that.

We are right into a long weekend in Canada to celebrate our nation’s birthday, in Calgary we will continue to celebrate a community spirit that is unparalleled in the world. When something bad happens, people instantly think about giving money to make it better, here we give our time, our hugs, our tears, our sweat.

Calgary Strong volunteers for cleanup

Now that we are being allowed to move around the city again, the question keeps being asked: HOW DO I VOLUNTEER TO HELP IN CALGARY?

1. Go to YYCHelps
This is a wonderful grassroots organization that is curating requests for assistance and matching it up with people able to offer it. People looking for forklifts, backhoes, or just able bodies. YYCHelps should be your first place to look for people needing help near you.

How To Volunteer to Clean Up Calgary2. Register with the City of Calgary
At a volunteer request last week, the City of Calgary collected names for a database, this long weekend they are calling people and putting them to work. You can still add your name to that list to get an opportunity when it arises.
Send an email to with your name, number, and availability. (For example, if you’re available only between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. on any day but Tuesday, include that information in your email. But please, keep it simple!)

3. Monitor Twitter
The hashtags for the disaster are #yycflood, #abflood, #yychelps, and #yyconward. Often spontaneous and instant requests for aid are made via Twitter.

4. Calgary Clean-Up On Facebook
Another group crowd sourcing help and areas to volunteer has used Facebook as a meeting point. Check their page for the great button at the right that you can add to your Facebook page to encourage others to help out too!

5. Mission Safeway
To help clean up the Elbow River region, a wonderful command post has been set up at the Mission Safeway. Show up and they will put you to work. It would be best if you rode a bike or took transit to this area. They will shuttle you to sites and homes that need help.

6. Give Money
It may not be blood, sweat, and tears, but it will pay for the things we need to do the clean-up. The Red Cross has raised millions of dollars in aid already, and I am not convinced that’s the best use of our fundraising. If you have a few coins to kick in the can, please consider The Calgary Foundation. Their Flood Rebuilding Fund supports qualified donees in long-term rebuilding and recovery efforts.

The Fund does NOT charge an administrative fee or a credit card transaction fee, so 100% of donations are directed toward recovery work. All donations will support charities working to rebuild lives and revitalize communities.

As a community convener and grantmaker for over 55 years, The Calgary Foundation has strong knowledge of the charitable organizations doing great work to benefit the community. The Fund will support a wide-range of needs across the charitable sector, long after the flood waters have receded.
[The Calgary Foundation]

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