first snowfall of the year

[twitter]It’s all about perspective.

When the first snow landed on Calgary streets this weekend, my wife and I looked out our window with dread. While Calgary has a varied temperature pattern over the winter (the 30 degree temperature swing this weekend is a good example of how quickly it can change), it’s still winter.

The snow that fell today will mostly be gone by Halloween, but it will be quickly followed by another dump. Winter is here, and it won’t let go until sometime in mid to late May. That’s 7 months from now. To frilly west coasters from La La Land, that’s a bitter pill to swallow.

When you have kids, however, you get a different perspective. As Zacharie and I left the house for school this morning, the air was frigid, and a fresh sprinkling of snow had fallen overnight. The sun had yet to rise and the street lights were still on.

“Daddy!” he exclaimed. “The snow looks just like glitter!”

Snow That Glitters

It did. The crisp frozen crystals glittered like paparazzi flashbulbs as we drove to school.

While I saw a terror-filled slippery commute down the hill, my son saw snow that glitters.

It’s all about perspective.

When we got to school, there was a dozen or so cars idling along the streets, parents and kids huddled inside against the frigid outdoor temperatures. Zacharie, however, saw a chance to be “first!” He bounced out of the car, and skidded across the street to be the first kid in his school of nearly 700 to lay footprints in the playground snow. He was so excited.

first one at school

I texted the picture to my wife who responded “it looks like he’s walking across a frozen lake.”

It’s all about perspective.


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