If you want to negotiate the best deal on your next vacation, take to Twitter. Simply asking the providers for a price match deal works, and they’ll fight for your business. See how I pitted the travel agencies against each other in a Twitter war that scored me the best deal.
Posts tagged twitter
Star Wars Cast Rumors: Isaiah Mustafa As Lando Calrissian?
Some Star Wars casting rumors are starting to float around. With one tweet, Isaiah Mustafa might just turn Lando Calrissian into the Old Spice Guy.
Why I Blocked You On Twitter
If you’re reading this, it may be because I have blocked your alias on Twitter. Twitter blocking is a tool I use to help me manage my stream. Twitter is a game of follow the…
Famous Last Tweets
[twitter]Mona Simpson‘s eulogy for her brother, Steve Jobs, made headlines around the world when she revealed his final words. Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow. Those were the final syllables he spoke to his family…
Complete List of Calgary Food Truck Websites, Twitter Accounts, and Facebook Pages
[twitter]Looking for the Calgary Food Trucks is part of the fun of eating fascinating street food. It’s like geocaching for a meal, a scavenger hunt for the hungry, a mission impossible sometimes to find them…
Why Tony Clement Changed His Twitter Name
[twitter]The day the election was announced, Tony Clement, previously known on Twitter as @TonyClement_MP changed his account to @TonyClementCPC. Tony has made a name as one of the most engaged members on the hill and…
If You Tweet, They Will Respond #elxn41
Canada will vote May 2, 2011. Our 4th election in 7 years. If you have apathy and frustration at your choices, you’re not alone. We’re all getting a little sick of the petty party politics….
The First Rule Of Twitter
.. is stop talking about Twitter. “Follow us on twitter,” is quickly becoming the most overused phrase in mainstream media. Those new to the party (I’m looking at you, CBC‘s Scott Oake) are over enthusiastic…
Twitter Bowl Sunday
The Twitter Bowl. It started in 2008, when thousands rallied around hashtags to discuss the game. Twitter was social, not marketing back then, this was real